
Sunday, January 23, 2011

What's the Challenge? You Decide!

No, no, it's not Monday morning already! There's still a bit of weekend left! ;)

The Cupcakes were talking about future Challenges recently and we decided it's not really fair for us to pick them all the time. So we'd like to give you the opportunity to Challenge us too. Not only that, but the (randomly chosen) winner will also be invited to Guest Design for us on the week in March when their Challenge goes live at Cupcake!

Sound like fun? If you'd like to set a Theme and Guest Design for us, leave your idea in a comment on this post.

We'll close this competition at 8pm (GMT)Sunday 30 January.

Get your thinking caps on Cupcake Lovers!


  1. My challenge idea is: step away from the markers and colored pencils...Using only ink pads to color your image. People can be as creative as they want!

  2. Make if a food challenge. Pick a course ex. appetizers, main course, salads, desserts, drinks,etc. Challenge is to be inspired by the food, not put the food on the card.

  3. Handmade embellishments! All of the embellies must be made by hand: flowers, buttons, etc.

  4. The challenge should be to only use the colour of your land's flag. For example, the danish flag is red and white, then I can only use those 2 colours on my card :-) Doesn't that sounds fun ? Hugs Laila. Http://

  5. No stamps allowed! We all rely on our stamps so much, so get creative and use decoupage, ready made die cuts, own embellishments, etc to create your card. Hugs, Claire x

  6. Lovely idea...
    now for a challenge... how about making your own background but with the twist of using the same stamp both for the background and the main image...

    kind regards

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Take a photo of something that inspires you each in YOUR house... Show that photo and show your card that was inspired by the photo

  9. I would like the challenge to be a Spectacular Stampatacular Challenge.With one condition that the stamp we use has to be atleast a year old because we are all guilty of neglecting our stamps!!!And for the spectacular part of the challenge lots of glitter and bright papers.


    Kerry x

  10. Hi Girls, thankyou for giving us the chance to pick a challenge.
    I would like to pick The Monochrome look, I love this and think cards can look stunning in Mono. Thank you Debbiexx

  11. Hello ladies my challenge would be to keep it simple and stamp straight onto the card colour the image and add very little embellishment hugs linda x

  12. I discovered this year that I need more thank you cards all year long. I like thank you challenges, even when it's not Thanksgiving.


  13. If I could pick a challenge, it would be a household recycling challenge. Use something that would be going in your recycling box on your card.

  14. Thanks for the chance to choose a theme. I'd like to see one that is inspired by your favourite children's book, either including one of the characters or something from the story itself.

  15. My challenge would be using felt fabric , I love it as it runs through cuttlebug fabulous :) or maybe Disney theme :) x

  16. My challenge idea is: Only sentiment stamps allowed

    Hugs :o)

  17. My challenge would be to make a card using pink polka dots (in any form). :)

  18. MY challenge would be o create a card in the colours/style of your favourite cupcake topping.
    Lisa ;)

  19. How about a card for a boy or man - I know it's been done before but it's something lots of people struggle with.

    Helen x

  20. A Black N White Challenge.. You can only use those two colors..

  21. I think an interesting one is to combine stamps from different manufacturers on the one card.

    Sharon x

  22. What about the poor old envelope. This item of our stationery gets sorely neglected. So my challenge to you is to give those envies some voo voo voom, x

  23. Make a card wiht an animal stamp!

    *Kus Patries*

  24. Great idea to open up the setting of the challenge x
    Doodlicious - add hand doodling to your card ?
    ((hugs)) Suzie xx

  25. How about "Birds of a Feather"!!

    Card must include any type of bird - either on the paper, stamp, embellishments, etc.

  26. Why not try a topic on fashion. It can be just on gowns/dress, shoes, or bags.

  27. I like the inspiration by song! I think that is a good idea. Denise

  28. In like a lion and out like a lamb! Or a general animal theme but this is a quote about March.

  29. Hello
    My challenge would be to have something edible on the card. Something from the kitchen to use for an embellishment or technique.
    Stamper Gyrl

  30. Wow what wonderful ideas everyone has come up with, I hope yall run with some of these, they would be so interesting a nice break from the norm. My idea is to make your own background paper, but in a technique you have never tried before. I am always seeing wonderful ideas for make bg paper, liquid inks and shaving cream, or a brayer wrapped in rubber bands rolled in ink. Just never tried them.

  31. Oooh See there is some fab ideas been thrown around! I would like to see a Retro Themed card!

  32. I have so many thoughts...use your oldest stamp (or stamp set). Take a picture from your last vacation and use it as inspiration. Take a picture of something you deem ugly and use it as inspiration. Should these all be seperate comments. I could do this all day.

  33. Ohhh...fab competition! Lots of fab ideas too! I'd pick fashion as my theme - whether it be clothes, shoes, bags....a quote from a designer...anything to do with fashion. Wedgie xxx

  34. I love fancy fold cards and would like to set a challenge for that!!!

  35. i would love a challenge that gets young children involved. perhaps you and your sibling could use the same products as you and see what they come up with. or more simple mothers day

  36. Iv been thinking all day lol and came up with using chalk. I bought some chalk pencils years ago and they werent that cheap either and I think Iv only used them a couple of times! It would be interesting to see people colour their images with chalk as we all seem to reach for the markers these days! xxx

  37. im not sure how many crafters out there are aware of Postpals so it would be great to raise awareness and maybe have the challenge as "a card for a child" but with the option of sending it to a sick child through Postpals to put a smile on their face...Debs x

  38. My idea is...
    no flowers and no stamps...

  39. How about anything but a card week? Jeanette
